Job Description
FROM: https://www.volunteer.gov/s/volunteer-opportunity/a093d000000m6Z6AAI/flaming-gorge-nra-green-river-day-use-area-host
ADDRESS: Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area; 115 5th Ave; Dutch John, Utah 84023
DEPT: Forest Service
DATES: 5/22/2023 – 9/6/2023
The Flaming Gorge NRA is now seeking volunteer assistance at our river information booths providing information, collecting data, and selling Day Use Passes to visitors, along with some ground maintenance and boat launch duties.
The Spillway is a high-use area that can bring as many as 1000 people or more in one day during the peak use days and requires a minimum of two volunteers at a time. One person assists at the contact station, which is equipped with a radio, phone, cash register, safe, heater and air conditioner. The other person assists with boat launching, parking and people moving. Additional grounds maintenance, picking up litter, mowing lawns, trimming vegetation, and making sure the area is inviting and presentable are expected.
Little Hole is a day use area with three boat ramps, picnic tables, trails, and restrooms. Scheduling is arranged in the same as for The Spillway, with one volunteer assisting at the contact station collecting data from river users, selling Use Passes, answering questions, and giving out information, while the other assists visitors with launching and landing. The booth is equipped with a radio, phone, cash register, fax machine, safe, heater and air conditioner.
As at Spillway, the other person will be doing basic grounds maintenance, picking up litter, mowing lawns, trimming vegetation, cleaning the picnic areas and restrooms. Although assisting boaters with launching, unlike Spillway, Little Hole is also a landing spot. However, it is not as fast-paced as at the Spillway.
The individuals filling these positions must be able to give instruction in a clear, direct manner, but not offend the visitor while doing so. For this reason, it is extremely important to have good people skills.
Forest Service will provide all supplies and equipment necessary to do the work. Amenities include a trailer pad with full hookups, and laundry facilities.
When fully-staffed, the work schedule is typically 4 on 3 off. Working in pairs, volunteers cover river information booths providing information, collecting data, and selling Day Use Passes, basic grounds maintenance, litter pick up, trimming vegetation, and daily restroom cleaning. With one person in the booth, the other works at boat launch ramp operations to ensure that traffic coming in and out of these busy areas is done in a safe and orderly manner. Volunteers operating the ramp must be in good physical condition as it is a fast-paced operation at peak times
People skills: clearly giving information, guidance, and instructions especially at the boat launch and landing.
Clerical skills: tracking passes sold and counting of money, detailed notes about the boat-in campgrounds and reservations
Tagged as: SUMMER '25