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Office Administration

  • Full Time
  • Hiawassee, GA
  • Applications have closed

Enota Mountain Retreat

Job category:
Start Date: April 29, 2023
Compensation: RV Site plus wages
Hookups: Full (FHU)
Wi-Fi: Yes
Pets OK?: Yes

Job Description

Come put all of your office administration and computer skills to work on our beautiful 60 acre campground nestled in the North Georgia mountains.  We are working on converting our site to a homesteading site for people who would like to live with a working farm (complete with animals and organic farming), incredibly pure water, and for someone who can help assemble it, a hydro-electric plant on the property.

We offer a FHU, plus stipend depending on skills and contributions.

There are always opportunities for plumbing, electrical, automotive and equipment repairs, along with construction, fencing, gardening and office work.  Great opportunity for couples who would like to have stability in a back to the earth kind of environment.

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