Job Description
FROM: https://www.volunteer.gov/s/volunteer-opportunity/a093d0000013KThAAM/heather-meadows-visitor-center-host
ADDRESS: Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest
10091 Mt. Baker Highway
Glacier, Washington 98244
DEPT: Forest Service
DATES: 6/9/2024 – 9/29/2024
The Heather Meadows Visitor Center was constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corp in the 1940’s as a ski warming hut and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The rustic building has a warm wood interior with an open floor plan, a rock fireplace (only heat source) and a propane powered generator that provides power to a limited number of outlets and overhead task lighting. There is no running water at the visitor center and restroom facilities are located outdoors across the parking lot from the building.
The center is operated by the US Forest Service along with the agency’s cooperating partner, North Cascades Institute (NCI) who run a retail outlet on a daily basis during the operating season. NCI staff include one employee during each shift. The outlet sells books, maps, interpretive items and federal recreation passes.
The Heather Meadows area is a National Forest recreation fee site and visitors are required have a valid federal recreation pass posted in their vehicle while in the area.
The Heather Meadows Visitor Center is open on a daily basis during the summer months once the Mt. Baker Highway is plowed by the Washington State Department of Transportation and vehicular access is gained into the area (typically early July). The Heather Meadows area is one of the heaviest visited sites of the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest. Visitation varies on weather and you can expect up to 300 visitors to the center on a sunny day.
Daily operating hours at the Heather Meadows Visitor Center are from 10 am to 4 pm. Volunteers typically serve 4-5 days per week. Start and end date of the host positions are negotiable. Required training does occur in June.
Volunteers will be signed up under US Forest Service Individual Volunteer Agreements (OF-201a). All volunteers are asked to record their hours serving as Heather Meadows Visitor center hosts. Shared housing available at rustic Heather Meadows A-Frame, 5 minute drive or 15-30 minute walk from the Visitor Center. There is a rustic trailer pad available in the US Forest Service compound in the Town of Glacier, approximately 30 minute drive from Heather Meadows.
Tagged as: SUMMER '25