Job Description
FROM: https://www.volunteer.gov/s/volunteer-opportunity/a09SJ000002LBfF
Campground 3 in Bolar Mountain Recreation Area
422 Forestry Road
Hot Springs, Virginia, 24445
DATES: 4/16/2025 – 10/1/2025
DEPT: Forest Service
We are in search of an enthusiastic, friendly couple to be our host at Campground 3 in Bolar Mountain Recreation Area. This volunteer opportunity will help us maintain visitor compliance as well as delivering information to the public in a professional manner, mowing and grounds keeping, cleaning the bathroom facility, and picking up trash in the campground/ parking lot/and fire rings. We will provide a full hook up site located in the campground. We have a laundry facility on site with a shower and bathroom (Just a few minutes from the campground. The position would last from about memorial day to labor day.
Tagged as: Couples / Duos, SPRING '25, SUMMER '25