Job Description
FROM: https://www.volunteer.gov/s/volunteer-opportunity/a09SJ000002LCMn
Sugar Ridge Campground in Bolar Mountain Recreation Area
422 Forestry Road
Hot Springs, Virginia, 24445
DATES: 4/16/2025 – 10/1/2025
DEPT: Forest Service
We are in search of an enthusiastic, friendly couple to be our host at Sugar Ridge Campground in Bolar Mountain Recreation Area. This volunteer opportunity will help us maintain visitor compliance as well as delivering information to the public in a professional manner, mowing and grounds keeping, cleaning the bathroom facility, and picking up trash in the campground/ parking lot/and fire rings. We will provide a full hook up site located in the campground. We have a laundry facility on site with a shower and bathroom (Just a few minutes from the campground. The position would last from about memorial day to labor day.
Tagged as: Couples / Duos, SPRING '25, SUMMER '25