Campground Host
- Part Time
- Moyie Springs, ID, USA
- Applications have closed

Website Twin Rivers Canyon Resort
Job category:
Camp Host
Compensation: Other - Inquire
Hookups: Unknown - Inquire
Wi-Fi: Unknown
Pets OK?: Unknown
Job Description
Campground hosts live and work in the campground and are often the first contact our visitors have. They perform a variety of tasks such as greeting visitors and handing out information, collecting fees, light maintenance duties, and informing park staff about potential problems.
Work Schedule:
Campground hosts each work a minimum of 20-24 hours per week (including weekends and holidays) for a minimum of 30 days. Hosts are considered to be “on-call” at all times of the day and night. Hosts must take time off during the weekdays Monday through Thursday. All hosts will have specific duties and scheduled times to work.
Job duties
- Greet park visitors and be readily accessible to the public while on duty
- Answer questions
- Lock and unlock buildings
- Perform complete campground checks twice a day
- Inform park visitors of park rules and regulations and notify park staff if enforcement action is needed.
- general grounds up keep and pick up sticks and bring to the wood pile
- pick up animal feces throughout the park
- clean bathrooms and showers daily
- any other jobs as needed
Tagged as: SUMMER '25
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