Gate Attendant
- Part Time
- Cherryvale, KS, USA
- 0* USD / Year
- Applications have closed

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Job Description
ADDRESS: Big Hill Lake; PO Box 426; Cherryvale, Kansas 67335-0426
DEPT: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
DATES:6/21/2021 – 11/1/2021
Seeking to fill Volunteer Gate Attendant Position from June 21 – Nov. 1
Army Corps of Engineers Big Hill Lake near Cherryvale, Kansas is in need of a single or couple Volunteer Gate Attendant. The position consists of posting reservations and assisting visitors in exchange for a full hookup, covered site with a laundry shed and WIFI for 20 hours work per week.
20 hours per week, alternating 4 days on and 4 days off with other gate attendant couple.
Pulling up Daily Arrival Reports and making and hanging reservation cards on campsite posts using UTV for transportation. Assisting visitors.
Tagged as: SUMMER '25