Job Description
FROM: https://www.volunteer.gov/s/volunteer-opportunity/a093d000000SXTsAAO/caretaker-position
ADDRESS: Cape Perpetua Visitor Center; 2400 Highway 101 South; Yachats, Oregon 97498
DEPT: Forest Service
DATES: 4/15/2022 – 9/15/2022
Seeking to fill a Host Caretaker position at Cape Perpetua Scenic Area.
A host couple is needed for the Caretaker position at the spectacular Cape Perpetua Scenic Area in the Siuslaw National Forest from April, 2022 to September 2022.
We offer an RV site at a work center located about 8 miles north of Cape Perpetua. Mileage reimbursement is $.14 a mile for travel to and from the visitor center. Hookups include water, sewer, 50 amp electrical, wireless internet and reimbursement for propane usage. Cell phone coverage is spotty. There is a washer and dryer currently available at Cape Perpetua.
Applicant will be required to obtain a Forest Service Driver’s license and wear a volunteer vest and uniform outerwear provided by the Forest Service.
- Drivers License
- Hand Power Tools
- Landscaping/Reforestation
- Visitor Information
The Cape Perpetua Scenic Area has 26 miles of hiking trails, magnificent old-growth coastal rainforest, wilderness areas, and an off-shore Marine Reserve. Nearby are the small coastal towns of Yachats and Waldport. Please visit the Cape Perpetua portion of the Siuslaw National Forest web site for photos and information. ( www.fs.usda.gov/siuslaw ) or go to ” Siuslaw National Forest ” on Facebook.
Tagged as: SUMMER '25