Job Description
FROM: https://www.volunteer.gov/s/volunteer-opportunity/a093d000000V97oAAC/hobo-campground-host
ADDRESS: Sequoia National Forest; 11380 Kernville Road; Kernville, California 93238
DEPT: Forest Service
Maintain a welcoming campground and day use site while interacting with visitors.
Host will be located at Hobo Campground adjacent to the Kern River and approximately ¼ mile away from Miracle Hot Springs. The campground has 25 sites and an additional 10 sites for over flow camping.
Remove trash along the river, clean campsites, clean bathrooms, monitor use at the Miracle Hot Springs parking lot, report unsafe behavior to forest service employees or law enforcement, educate public about leave no trace and recreational opportunities on the Sequoia National Forest
Camp host will maintain campground facilities. They provide a variety of information to visitors ensuring a safe and positive visitor experience.
- Drivers License
- General Assistance
- Hand Power Tools
- Office/Clerical
- Visitor Information
- Working with People
High visitations occur from May through September, mostly on holiday weekends. Hobo Campground is located along the banks of the Kern River and adjacent to the Miracle Hot Springs. Visitors come from diverse backgrounds and speak several languages. The host or hostess must be comfortable approaching people and enforcing campground rules in a respectful manner.
- Slip, trip, and fall hazards
- Work organization and process flow (including staffing and scheduling)
- Lack of emergency procedures
- Human Waste
Tagged as: SUMMER '25