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October 2020

How to Find RV Jobs Near You

No matter where you are in this beautiful country, chances are you can find a work camping job near you. Of course “near you” is a relative phrase depending on where you are right now. If you’re in the middle of the desert, well, you might need to drive a bit to the nearest populated area. And if you’re in a large state (I see you, Texas), then you should… Read More »How to Find RV Jobs Near You

How to Find Paid Camp Host Jobs (AKA the Unicorns of Work Camping)

What’s better than a free RV site and working as a camp host? Um, getting paid actual money. We’re often asked how to find a campground host job (or a similar position) that offers a free RV site in addition to some kind of financial compensation. Honestly, these jobs are not super common, and I lovingly refer to them as ‘unicorns’ because they can feel like they’re only in fairytales… Read More »How to Find Paid Camp Host Jobs (AKA the Unicorns of Work Camping)

Want a Seasonal or Year-Round Work Camping Job? Read This First.

One of the best things about work camping is that not only do you get to decide where you want to be, but also when. But because the culture of work camping is highly fluid, that often means jobs are posted with random start dates or a list of months, or nothing at all. Sifting through all the different job posts can be frustrating — but we are here to… Read More »Want a Seasonal or Year-Round Work Camping Job? Read This First.

What is a Camp Host?

If you have been looking for a work camping gig, chances are pretty good you’ve seen a lot of postings with the position or title of “Camp Host”. While this can involve a variety of responsibilities, and each camp or park will have differences in what they are asking for, most of the duties typically remain the same. Camp Host (or campground host) much like other work camping opportunities, usually… Read More »What is a Camp Host?