If you are a nonprofit organization (501c3), we are proud to offer you a FREE featured listing here on KamperJobs.com. Here’s how it works:
- You’ll get all the benefits of a paid featured listing (read more here)
- There is absolutely no cost
- Email us at hello@kamperjobs.com to verify your 501c3 status. All you need is one of the following:
- Tell us to find you on Charity Navigator (https://www.charitynavigator.org/)
- Send us a link to your website that says you’re a 501c3 organization
- Send us your 501c3 tax exempt letter (only if one of the above two options isn’t available)
That’s it! After that, we’ll approve your job posting, we’ll mark it featured up to 6 months at a time for free. And if you need it year-round, let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate!
We look forward to spreading the word about your mission and wonderful opportunities. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
–the KamperJobs team