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Volunteer Campground Host

FROM: ADDRESS: 141 East fisher Avenue  New Bern, North Carolina, 28560 DATES: 3/14/2025 – 12/31/2025   DEPT: Forest Service JOB DESCRIPTION: Croatan National Forest is looking for energetic, hardworking, friendly individuals and couples to serve as volunteer camp host at Cedar Point Campground on the Croatan Ranger District.   The Croatan National Forest, one of four National Forests in North Carolina. It is comprised of pine forests, saltwater estuaries, bogs and… Read More »Volunteer Campground Host

Volunteer Work Campers

FROM: ADDRESS: 7680 South Six Shooter Canyon Road  Globe, Arizona, 85501 DATES: 2025-02-24 DEPT: Forest Service JOB DESCRIPTION: Volunteer will serve as a Work Camper on the Globe Ranger District, Tonto National Forest. Volunteer’s responsibilities will include but are not limited to: Working a minimum of 24 hours per week including weekends. Greet Forest visitors with pertinent local information and reminders of the Forest Service rules and regulations. Work Campers also inform the public… Read More »Volunteer Work Campers

Visitor Center Host

FROM: ADDRESS: Las Vegas, Nevada DATES: 8/30/2024 – 11/30/2024 DEPT: Fish & Wildlife Service JOB DESCRIPTION: Recruitment now open for the Fall 2024! Multiple volunteers needed for a 3-month commitment (September – November) at the wildlife refuges in Southern Nevada. Spend your days in the beautiful Mojave Desert of Desert National Wildlife Refuge Complex! Multiple volunteer visitor center host opportunities are located at Desert National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Pahranagat NWR,… Read More »Visitor Center Host

Day Use Volunteer

FROM: ADDRESS: 71 Corps Lane Carthage, Tennessee, 37030-9710 DATES: 4/27/2024 – 9/21/2024 DEPT: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers JOB DESCRIPTION:      This position is for a set of volunteers at the Wartrace Creek Day Use area. Typical daily duties would be to open the gate, staff the booth, greet visitors, ensure guests are using the Ventek payment machine, exchanging receipts for annual passes, and providing general information about the area to guests.… Read More »Day Use Volunteer

Campground Host

FROM: ADDRESS: 6044 Everett Springs Rd30105 Armuchee, Georgia, 30105 DATES: 5/16/2024 – 7/10/2024 DEPT: Forest Service JOB DESCRIPTION: -Greet visitors & assist them with information needs. -Communicate rules & restrictions courteously to visitors. -Check & clean restrooms and recreation areas. -Be present at the campground Friday – Monday & holidays. -Ability to pass a background check. -Must provide own camper.  

Park Host

FROM: ADDRESS: 1138 GA Highway Spur 20 Cartersville, Georgia, 30121 DATES: 3/15/2024 – 11/1/2024 DEPT: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers JOB DESCRIPTION: Park hosts will work a rotating schedule with other volunteer park hosts, every other weekend in a gatehouse will be required. Park hosts will assist visitors in using automated fee machine, exchanging temporary annual passes for annual passes, issue parking passes, provide information and assist visitors. The park hosts… Read More »Park Host

Site Hosts

FROM:   ADDRESS: 65670 E Hwy 26 Welches, Oregon, 97067   DATES: 4/1/2024 – 9/30/2024   DEPT: Bureau of Land Management JOB DESCRIPTOIN: Oregon. Volunteer couples needed for BLM (federal) day-use park, Wildwood Recreation Site, 40 mi. east of Portland near Mt. Hood, along the Wild and Scenic Salmon River. Duties for summer season (April thru Oct.) include park upkeep, maintenance, RR cleaning/stocking, entrance booth operation, and information/visitor services.… Read More »Site Hosts