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Camp Worker Couples

Camelot RV Campground / RV Park

Job category:
Camp Host
Housekeeping / Cleaning
Year Round
Couple / Duo considered
Compensation: RV Site plus wages
Hookups: Full (FHU)
Wi-Fi: Yes
Pets OK?: Yes

Job Description

We offer an easy workcamper position with not much physical work.  Need couples now and throughout the future. Anyone has the option to stay year-round or extend longer or permanent.  Options: Volunteer or Pay plus Full hookup RV site, cable TV, WiFi, laundry and propane station on premises. On duty about 15 days a month. Help with the front office, no computer skills needed, fee collecting, escort guest to sites, cleaning, and some ground maintenance. We do the mowing of the grounds, answering the phone and assigning RV sites for you to escort guest to.  Conveniently located close to town. Please visit our website for details.
Phone:  573-785-1016  Email:  Website:

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